Upcoming events

Senior Brunch 2025
Every spring the Edgewood Foundation holds a brunch at the Edgewood Club to celebrate local seniors getting ready to graduate from area high schools. Invitations were sent out in late March, and the RSVPs are required to attend. The brunch is complimentary for the students. There will be a speaker, and the Mel Douglas Foundation will present scholarships.
Students are free. Guests are $27 each

Limpert Award Nominations
The Edgewood Foundation is seeking nominations for the William D. Limpert Volunteer Service award. This honor is awarded to an Edgewood resident who selflessly gives of themselves to serve the Edgewood community and its residents.
The award was created in honor of the Foundation’s founding president William Limpert in 1991. Winners since then include John B. Major, Angelina Sammarone, Robert R. Fuchs, Robert P. Gibson, Nevin Rhodes, Susan Bailey, Doris D. Jones, Brian Nogrady, Jay Bush, Dick Monheim, Mary Limpert, Louis Boccio Jr., Dick Lithgow, Tom Herward, Laura Horner, Greer Mulholland, Patrick Doyle, Lois Winslow, Connie Black, Amy Andrews-Hooks, Ruth Pickering McGregor.
Each Winner’s name is listed on a plaque that is displayed in the CC Mellor Memorial Library.
To nominate someone whose community service and spirit of volunteerism is reminiscent of Bill Limpert and the other recipients, email Angel Lehrian angel@lehrian.com. Include the recipients name, any known volunteer activities/why the nominee deserves the award, and your contact information for future follow up. Nominees can not be current members of the Edgewood Foundation Board or current employees of the Edgewood Borough. Deadline is June 1, 2025.

Wine & Chocolate Event 2025
Back by popular demand is The Edgewood Foundation’s Wine and Chocolate! Enjoy wine pairings with gourmet chocolate, try savory appetizers while catching up with friends in the neighborhood, and bid on our silent auction and basket raffles! There is something for everyone at this year’s event. If wine isn’t your thing, we’ll also have beer. If you prefer cheese with your wine instead of chocolate, we’ll have that too! It is a wonderful event that brings our neighbors and friends together. We hope you’ll join us!
Tickets will be available soon.
The Edgewood Foundation Progressive Dinner is a great way to meet new neighbors and spend time catching up with old friends. You start at one home for appetizers, switch groups to move to another house for dinner, and then rejoin the larger neighborhood for dessert and cocktails.
6:00 pm -- Appetizers with groups of approximately 50 people
7:30 pm -- Dinner with groups of 8-12 people
9:00 pm -- Dessert & Cocktails with the entire group
Adults (21+) - $45 per person
Please call 412-897-4296 if interested in attending. If we find another dinner host we can open more spots. We are collecting names for potential add-ons.

Light Up Night 2024
Bundle up and come join us for an evening of lights, magic, and fun.
Tree lighting ceremony at Memorial Park at 6:30 pm
Walking tour on Maple Avenue
Visit with Santa
Hot Cocoa and Apple Cider
An afternoon of art 2024
Join us for an afternoon of art as we showcase Edgewood’s own artists at First Presbyterian Church! Light refreshments will be served. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to us!
Oktoberfest 2024
The Foundation’s Oktoberfest has been held annually since 2011. Typically, about 50-60 Edgewood residents come out to share in brats, beer, and fun in Koenig Field. Don’t forget the pig roast!

Newcomers’ Reception 2024
This event, typically held in the Edgewood Train Station, gives new residents an opportunity to meet with community representatives and other newcomers to learn more about our wonderful neighborhood. We love to host this event for our new residents who are able to learn about our borough and pick up information provided by the Foundation and local businesses.
Sleepover in the Park 2024
The participants are typically age ten and under who, along with their parents, pitch tents and sleep under the stars at Koenig Field. This is a back-to-basics, grassroots event that includes such down-home fun as roasting marshmallows and flashlight tag. In coordination with the Edgewood Police for safety, and the Edgewood Fire Department for our bonfire, it gives our residents a chance to enjoy a simple camping experience without the fuss of going elsewhere. Participants are usually greeted by donuts, juice, and coffee as they wake up the next morning in the cold fall air. This easy low-key event serves to build friendships and foster community spirit in Edgewood.
Community Day 2024
Edgewood Borough, along with the Edgewood Foundation, invites our friends and neighbors to Koenig Field for the return of Community Day! We'll have music, food, an artist market, family-friendly activities, and of course, we'll end the day with fireworks!

Brinton Road Clean Up 2024
Join us at the intersection of Dewey and Maple Avenues to clean and beautify our neighborhood!

Senior Brunch 2024
Every spring the Edgewood Foundation holds a brunch at the Edgewood Club to celebrate local seniors getting ready to graduate from area high schools. Invitations were sent out in late March, and the RSVPs are required to attend. The brunch is complimentary for the students. There will be a speaker and the Mel Douglas Foundation will present scholarships.
The Edgewood Foundation Progressive Dinner is a great way to meet new neighbors and spend time catching up with old friends. You start at one home for appetizers, switch groups to move to another house for dinner, and then rejoin the larger neighborhood for dessert and cocktails.
6:00 pm -- Appetizers with groups of approximately 50 people
7:30 pm -- Dinner with groups of 8-12 people
9:00 pm -- Dessert & Cocktails with the entire group
Adults (21+) - $45 per person
Light Up Night
Bundle up and come join us for an evening of lights, magic, and fun.
Tree lighting ceremony at Memorial Park at 6:30 pm
Walking tour on Maple Avenue
Visit with Santa
Hot Cocoa and Apple Cider
An afternoon of art
Join us for an afternoon of art as we showcase Edgewood’s own artists at First Presbyterian Church! Light refreshments will be served. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to us!
The Foundation’s Oktoberfest has been held annually since 2011. Typically, about 50-60 Edgewood residents come out to share in brats, beer, and fun in Koenig Field. Don’t forget the pig roast!

Newcomers’ Reception
This event, typically held in the Edgewood Train Station, gives new residents an opportunity to meet with community representatives and other newcomers to learn more about our wonderful neighborhood. We love to host this event for our new residents who are able to learn about our borough and pick up information provided by the Foundation and local businesses.
Sleepover in the Park
The participants are typically age ten and under who, along with their parents, pitch tents and sleep under the stars at Koenig Field. This is a back-to-basics, grassroots event that includes such down-home fun as roasting marshmallows and flashlight tag. In coordination with the Edgewood Police for safety, and the Edgewood Fire Department for our bonfire, it gives our residents a chance to enjoy a simple camping experience without the fuss of going elsewhere. Participants are usually greeted by donuts, juice, and coffee as they wake up the next morning in the cold fall air. This easy low-key event serves to build friendships and foster community spirit in Edgewood.
Community Day
Edgewood Borough, along with the Edgewood Foundation, invites our friends and neighbors to Koenig Field for the return of Community Day! We'll have music, food, an artist market, family-friendly activities, and of course, we'll end the day with fireworks!

Brinton Road Clean Up
Join us at the intersection of Brinton Road and Maple Avenue to clean and beautify our neighborhood!

Senior Brunch
Every spring the Edgewood Foundation holds a brunch at the Edgewood Club to celebrate local seniors getting ready to graduate from area high schools. Invitations were sent out in late March, and the RSVPs are required to attend. The brunch is complimentary for the students. There will be a speaker and the Mel Douglas Foundation will present scholarships.
The Edgewood Foundation Progressive Dinner is a great way to meet new neighbors and spend time catching up with old friends. You start at one home for appetizers, switch groups to move to another house for dinner, and then rejoin the larger neighborhood for dessert and cocktails.
6:00 pm -- Appetizers with groups of approximately 50 people
7:30 pm -- Dinner with groups of 8-12 people
9:00 pm -- Dessert & Cocktails with the entire group
Adults (21+) - $45 per person
Registration is now closed. Please contact 412.897.4296 to get on our wait list.
Board Meeting
Meeting locations vary. C.C. Mellor Memorial Library and Dad’s Pub and Grub, Braddock Hills have been used in the past. The foundation encourages participation from all residents and groups in the Borough of Edgewood. Our meetings are open to the public, so feel free to stop by!
COVID-19 Update: Meetings are now held in person. Please contact the Edgewood Foundation Board if you are interested in joining us, and we will send you additional details.

Wine & Chocolate Event
Back by popular demand is The Edgewood Foundation’s Wine and Chocolate! Enjoy wine pairings with gourmet chocolate, try savory appetizers while catching up with friends in the neighborhood, and bid on our silent auction and basket raffles! There is something for everyone at this year’s event. If wine isn’t your thing, we’ll also have beer. If you prefer cheese with your wine instead of chocolate, we’ll have that too! It is a wonderful event that brings our neighbors and friends together. We hope you’ll join us!